Emergency Response Training
RII30719 Certificate III Emergency Response and Rescue Course
6th Nov - 22nd Nov 2024
RII30719Certificate III in Emergency Response and Rescue Course -6th Nov - 22nd Nov 2024
Individual Unit of Competencies
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Certificate II in Public Safety
Firefighting & Emergency Operations
Core Units of Competency
PUAEQU001 Prepare, maintain and test response equipment.
PUAFIR203 Respond to urban fire.
PUAFIR207 Operate breathing apparatus open circuit.
PUAFIR210 Prevent injury.
PUAOPE013 Operate communications systems and equipment.
PUATEA001 Work in a team.
Elective Units of Competency -
Group A – 2 Units must be chosen.
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid.
PUASAR022 Participate in a rescue operation.
Group B – 3 Units to be chosen*
PUACOM001 Communicate in the workplace.
PUACOM002 Provide services to clients.
PUAFIR017 Work safely around aircraft.
PUAFIR204 Respond to wildfire.
PUAFIR205 Respond to aviation incident (specialist).
PUAFIR206 Check installed fire safety systems.
PUAFIR208 Participate in community safety activities.
PUAFIR220 Respond to isolated structure fire.
PUAFIR309 Operate pumps.
PUALAW001 Protect and preserve incident scene.
PUATEA004 Work effectively in a public safety organisation.
PUAWHS001 Follow defined work, health and safety policies and procedures.

Certificate III in Emergency Response and Rescue
Core - Units of Competency
HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid.
RIICOM201D Communicate in the workplace.
RIIERR301E Respond to work site incidents.
RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes.
RIIWHS201D Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures.
Elective - Units of Competency -
Group A – 2 Units must be chosen.
PUASAR022 Participate in a rescue operation.
RIIQUA201D Maintain and monitor site quality standards.
Group B – 5 Units to be chosen
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid.
PMAOMIR444 Develop incident containment tactics.
PUAEME001 Provide emergency care.
PUAEME002 Manage injuries at emergency incident.
PUAAMS007 Coordinate search and rescue operations.
PUAFIR207 Operate breathing apparatus open circuit.
PUAFIR210 Prevent injury.
PUAFIR324 Render hazardous materials incidents safe.
PUAFIR306 Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident.
PUASAR022 Participate in a rescue operation.
PUASAR024 Undertake road crash rescue.
PUASAR025 Undertake confined space rescue.
PUASAR027 Undertake land search rescue.
PUASAR032 Undertake vertical rescue.
RIIERR201E Conduct fire team operations.
RIIERR203E Escape from hazardous situations unaided.
RIIERR205D Apply initial response first aid.
RIIERR302E Respond to local emergencies and incidents.
RIIERR303E Operate in self-contained regenerative oxygen breathing apparatus.
RIIERR305E Control underground fires.
RIIERR306E Conduct underground searches.
RIIERR307E Extricate casualties from underground incidents.
RIIERR308E Extricate and transport people involved in incidents.
RIIERR309D Establish and operate from fresh air base.
Group C – 1 must be chosen.
PMAWHS211 Prepare equipment for emergency response.
PUAEQU001 Prepare, maintain and test response equipment.

Courses on Demand
PASS prides itself on flexibility to assist our clients. We are able to provide training to individuals and small groups when the demand is high.
Examples Include:
Drive Vehicles Under Operational conditions
Respond to Urban Fire
Suppress Urban Fire
Emergency Responder Professional Development Days

Certificate III in Public Safety Firefighting and Emergency Operations
Core - Units of Competency
PUAFIR308 Employ personal protection at a hazardous material incident.
PUAFIR309 Operate pumps.
PUAFIR324 Render hazardous materials incidents safe
PUAVEH001 Drive vehicles under operational conditions.
PUAWHS002 Maintain safety at an incident scene.
Elective - Units of Competency -
Group A – 2 Units must be chosen.
HLTAID015 Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy.
PUAFIR302 Suppress urban fire.
Group B – 4 Units to be chosen*
HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid
PUACOM005 Foster a positive organisational image in the community.
PUACOM006 Plan and conduct a public awareness program.
PUAFIR301 Undertake community safety activities.
PUAFIR303 Suppress wildfire.
PUAFIR304 Respond to marine emergencies.
PUAFIR305 Respond to aviation incidents (general).
PUAFIR306 Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident.
PUAFIR307 Operate aerial appliance.
PUAFIR310 Operate specialist appliance.
PUAFIR314 Utilise installed fire safety systems.
PUALAW002 Conduct initial investigation at incident scene.
PUAOPE020 Lead a crew.
PUASAR024 Undertake Road crash rescue.
PUASAR025 Undertake confined space rescue.
PUASAR026 Undertake industrial and domestic rescue.
PUASAR030 Undertake trench rescue.
PUASAR032 Undertake vertical rescue.
PUATEA002 Work autonomously.

Emergency Medical Response
HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 - Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid
HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid
HLTAID015 - Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy
HLTAID015 (express) - Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy
HLTAID016 - Manage first aid services and resources
HLTPAT005 - Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing
HLTSS00068 - Occupational First Aid Skill Set
PUAEME005 - Provide pain management
PUAEME008 - Provide pain management

Emergency Response Team Training
Protective and Safety Services can customise training to suit any response team requirements either onsite or at the Safety and Emergency Response Training Centre

Training and Assessment delivered on behalf of Safe Guard Training and Services RTO90987